I often talk about how I feel when it comes to the fitness industry. I have been training and living this lifestyle for about 13 years now. But, when I opened my first supplement store in 2015, I quickly realized that nothing is ever what it seems to be. I guess ignorance is bliss?
A lot of people in this industry are in it for one thing, money. They will do anything and step over anyone to get it. Now, I’m not gonna sit here and act like money isn’t important to me. I want money and success more than most. Money brings opportunity and honestly it makes life a little more stress free. Having money to buy whatever I want would be nice, but that’s not the real reason why I want it. I want the freedom that it brings. To be able to do what I want, when I want, with whoever I want. THAT, is the goal. But why can’t it be done the right way? When did stepping over someone or fucking someone over become the formula for success? Even the franchise I was apart of didn’t have my best interest at heart. That caused me to be very bitter and turned off by the whole industry. It felt like I always had to watch my back and be skeptical of everyone I worked with or did business with. Now, I’m sure every field has a bit of this aspect in it. But why this one? Why did the one thing that I loved have to be this shady and scammy? It was a bit of an eye opener and honestly, it was heartbreaking.
After several business partners, two huge messes, and a lot of money later, I wondered if maybe it was time to leave this all behind me and chase another dream of mine.
During this four year stretch, I became very good friends with a local YouTuber, Remington James. Back when I first got in to all of this, he was entering the fitness industry at the exact same time. We quickly started networking and helping each other out with different things here or there and eventually we became best friends. When a lot of things on my end started to go south, we started talking about how we could do our own thing. Our own thing that would be ran the way we wanted to run it. No one to answer to and no one to tell us how to do it.
In June 2018, I sold my supplement store and we left the supplement brand we were involved in and sought out to start our own. Fast forward to March of 2019 and we launched our very own supplement brand, Final Boss Performance. We swore we’d change this industry for the better. Or at the very least, do it the way we think it should be done.
2018 was rough for me to say the least. But life has a funny way of working out sometimes. The universe seems to always give back to those who truly deserve it.